القائمة الرئيسية


اقتباسات بالانجليزي قصيرة وعميقة

نقدم لكم اليوم ونضع بين أيديكم مقال رائع باللغة الإنجليزية ومترجم للعربية نتحدث فيه تحت عنوان اقتباسات بالانجليزي قصيرة وعميقة . حيث سنذكر فيه عدة فقرات رائعة وحلوة . نحكي فيها عبارات وكلمات وجمل عن الحياة والحب جميلة ولكن باللغة الإنجليزية . لما لها من طلب كبير . وسنترجمها من أجل الإستفادة للجميع . تابعونا عبر موقع اشعار لتجدوا ما تحبون . نقدم لكم الفقرات التالية :

اقتباسات بالانجليزي قصيرة وعميقة

عبارات انجليزية قصيرة و عميقة :

  • A woman who is not lonely, but selective.

    أمرأة ‏ليست وحيدة ‏بل إنتقائية

  • Do not stop you only to become proud of yourself.

    لا تتوقفي إلا أن تصبحي فخورة بنفسك

  •  No one arrogant like me, I am different

    لا أحد مغرور مثلي انا مختلفة

  • She smiles and jumps from her lips as a poem

    تبتسم فتقفز ‏من بين شفتياها قصيدة

  • This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes

    هذا عمل الرب وهو عجيب في اعيننا

  • Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks

    تلك النعم هي أحلى تنال بالصلاة وتلبس مع الشكر

  • Rest and be thankful

    استرح وكن شاكرا

  • Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have

    لا تدع الأشياء التي تريدها تجعلك تنسى الأشياء التي لديك

  • I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers

     أنا سعيد للغاية لأنني أعيش في عالم يوجد في اكتوبر

  • Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing

    في الوقت الحاضر يعرف الناس ثمن كل شيء وقيمة لا شيء

  • We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude

    غالبًا ما نأخذ الأمور التي تستحق امتناننا كأمر مسلم به

  • Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone

    الامتنان الصامت ليس مفيدًا جدًا لأي شخص

  • No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks

    لا يوجد واجب أكثر إلحاحًا من واجب إعادة الشكر

عبارات بالانجليزي عن الحياة :

  • Joy is thankfulness, and when we are joyful, that is the best expression of thanks we can offer the Lord, Who delivers us from sorrow and sin.

  • Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.

  • A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.

  • Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness.

  • Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace.

  • You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.

  • When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.

  • We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.

  • It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.

  • Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!

  • Don't waste your time on things that you think you want because there is always someone out there who needs it much more than you could ever possibly know.

  • We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial.  We should count time by heart-throbs.  He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.

  • If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier.

  • We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.

  • Gratitude doesn't change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors.

  • If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.

اقتباسات جميلة بالانجليزي :

  • People complain about the bad things that happen to em that they don't deserve but they seldom mention the good. About what they done to deserve them things

  • So to you, or anyone else who has spent four minutes on me in some way-- listening to just one song, or watching one of my videos.Thank you. I love you like I love sparkles and having the last word. And that's real love.

  • Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.

  • One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful..we let what was once a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to his goodness it becomes a routine.. 

  • Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.

  • Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.

  • When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.

  • Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

  • Be thankful for what you have, you'll end of having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

  • Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

  • You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.

  • It's the recognition that other people's problems, their pain and frustrations, are every bit as real as our own often far worse. In recognizing this fact and trying to offer some assistance, we open our hearts and greatly enhance our sense of gratitude.

  • Make it a habit to tell people thank you.  To express your appreciation,  sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.  Truly appreciate those around you,  and you'll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you�ll find that you have more of it.

  • A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.

عبارات حب بالانجليزي مترجمة :

  • There is always love. His story cannot be told or written, it is a beautiful story of destiny...

    It comes across once, not to be repeated.. and it remains the most beautiful story

    هناك دومٱ حب . قصته لا تحكى ولا تكتب , هو حكاية قدر جميله

    تصادفك مرة واحدة لا تتكرر.. وتبقي أجمل حكاية

  • I will draw your pulse in the paintings of my love, and I will play it on the strings of hearts

    سأرسم نبضك في لوحات عشقي , وسأعزفها على أوتار القلوب

  • My love, you know that our love joined hands with the passage of time, and it will remain the same, and love will remain the pulse of my heart, illuminating the darkness of our path. You are my love and my heartbeat.

    حبيبتي أنتي تعلمي بأن حبناا تكاتف مع مرور الزمان , وسيظل كما هو وسيظل العشق نبض قلبي , يضيئ ظلمات طريقنا  أنتي حبي ونبض قلبي

  • He knows love and tells its finer details and intricacies.. But for him, love is the same, and I am nothing but a fetish, a decoration that adorns his life.

    هو يعرف الحب ويخبر أدق تفاصيله وثناياه.. لكن الحب بالنسبة له هي الأخرى أما أنا فلست سوى صنم، ديكور يزين حياته

  • She insinuates everything around her, but she is unable to notice my love for her, despite its magnitude, although it is a love that belongs to her and pertains to every detail of her.

    تلمح كل شيء من حولها.. لكنها عاجزة عن ملاحظة حبي لها رغم ضخامته رغم أنه حب يخصها ويخص كل تفصيلة فيها

  • For him, I was not a choice, not even an option.. but it was my fate and sadness that stuck with me until the end of my life

    لم أكن بالنسبة له اختيار ولا حتى خَيار.. لكنه كان قدري وحزنا لازمني لآخر أيام عمري

  • It is a blazing fire that burns the heart every time she thinks about love and remembers that whoever loved another person means to her all the meanings of love

    هي نار لهيبة تكوي الفؤاد كلما فكرت في الحب وتذكرت أن من أحببت لها شخص آخر يعني لها كل معاني الحب

  • Keep the one you love, blame him if you want him, take care of all his details, love is a feeling before it is words.

    حافظ على من تحب، عاتبه إن أردته، اهتم بجميع تفاصيله، الحب إحساس قبل أن يكون كلمات

  • Love must be mutual, for one-sided love is unhappiness.

    لابدّ أن يكون الحب متبادلاً، إنّ الحب من طرف واحد تعاسة

  • Mutual love and the spirit are one element, and it is like the spirit a sacred flame, it is like the spirit incorruptible, indivisible, and not fading away.

    الحب المتبادل والروح عنصر واحد، وهو كالروح شعلة مقدسة، هو كالروح لا يفسد، ولا يتجزأ ولا يتلاشى


الى هنا نكون قد وصلنا الى نهاية المقال والذي كان وتحدثنا فيه عن موضوع تحت عنوان اقتباسات بالانجليزي قصيرة وعميقة . حيث ذكرنا فيه عدة مقالات رائعة . ومنها بداية فقرة عن عبارات انجليزية قصيرة و عميقة . أيضاً عبارات بالانجليزي عن الحياة . أيضاً اقتباسات جميلة بالانجليزي . وختاماً عبارات حب بالانجليزي مترجمة . هذا كان كل شيء بالتالي شكراً لك عزيزي القارئ لاختيارك موقع اشعار . لا تنسوا مشاركتنا أرائكم الجميلة والتى تهمنا .


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